NOTE: The website for in-depth information concerning the OneCard is
NOTE: Campus Safety will not allow repairmen or delivery men access to any residence hall room unless the resident has filled out an Authorized Entry Form.
All students, faculty and staff are required to have a OneCard photo identification card, which is issued by the Office of Campus Safety. The OneCard is used not only for identification purposes, but also serves as an electronic key for access to campus buildings and as a Goucher library card, as well as a debit card for spending on-campus and with participating off-campus merchants. Access permissions for staff will be established based on an individual’s employment status and authorization of the individual’s department chair, director, or divisional head. Students’ permissions will be based on their enrollment status and residence as listed in the Registrar’s database. There is no charge for an individual’s first card or set of keys.
A new Goucher identification card will be issued to all incoming freshmen, transfer students, and to students who have lost their identification cards (see Replacement Policies below). All returning sophomores, juniors, and seniors are requested to retain their current identification cards, which will be validated by the OneCard manager upon the completion of the registration process with Student Administrative Services.
The OneCard includes the employee’s name and the individual’s identification as a faculty or staff member. All faculty and staff members must retain their current identification cards from year to year.
OneCard I.D. cards may be obtained from the Office of Campus Safety at any time, upon satisfactory proof of identification.
The Office of Residential Life is responsible for the issuance of all keys to residential
Keys may be obtained from the Office of Residential Life on Mondays through Fridays,
9:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If a key needs to be duplicated, up to three
working days will be needed.
Facilities Management Services is responsible for the issuance of all keys to administrative or academic areas, and for determining any fees or expenses relating to their replacements. Keys may be obtained from FMS Mondays through Fridays, 9:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If a key needs to be replaced, up to three working days will be needed.
Reproduction of OneCards or college-issued keys by anyone other than authorized employees in FMS, Campus Safety, or the OneCard office is prohibited.
All college-issued keys must be returned to the appropriate department chair or director upon departure or termination from the College. All Goucher identification cards are collected during the exit interview by the office of human resources. The OneCard manager will remove all permissions and privileges upon a student or employee’s departure.
Community members must report any lost or stolen OneCards and college-issued keys to the Department of Campus Safety.
Replacement OneCards are issued by Campus Safety for a non-refundable fee of $15.00. If the old OneCard is found at a later date individuals may not request a refund because the old card will no longer be active in the system.
If your OneCard is damaged or fails to work for any reason, please take it to the Office of Campus Safety in Heubeck Hall. You will be provided with a new card for a replacement fee of $15.00. You will not be charged for a card replacement under the following circumstances:
If, after normal business hours, a key breaks off in a residential lock preventing access to a living area, the resident should call the Office of Campus Safety (X6112). The on-duty desk officer will make the necessary notification to the on-call FMS supervisor, who is responsible for having the appropriate maintenance personnel respond to rectify the problem.
If your key is worn, bent or broken, you should report this to FMS, which is responsible for issuing of all college-issued keys to administrative or academic areas and determining any fees or expenses relating to their replacements.
If it becomes necessary to replace one or more locks because of the loss of keys, the entire expense of the lock replacement and keys will be the responsibility of the department or individual.
If your room key has been lost or stolen, or is inoperable, the Office of Residential Life will sign out a loaner key for short-term use during business hours.
After normal business hours, if you lock yourself out of your room, call the Campus Safety Office (X6112) and an officer will be dispatched to unlock the room or apartment after ID verification is made. After three lock-out calls, Campus Safety will levy a fee of $25 for additional requests to unlock your residence hall room.
Requests for unlocking any non-residential area should be made to the Office of Campus Safety.